Udexia - puzzle #10

Stucked at puzzle #10? You’ve come to the right place!

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Good luck in solving all mysteries of Udexia!

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Ok on this one I know what class they are in Disappearance Now how do i know what students survived the spell?

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I got it sorry
I Answered my own question sorry for post

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I think I figured out who survived but I can’t figure out the spell…help

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Hello and welcome @Lerfourth ,
The students’ desk letters combine to form the answer word.

Super confused … what’s starting point . What am
I missing

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I can’t seem to figure out z any help?

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Hello and welcome @Thegirls55 ,
The key 8 tells you what the class is for. The students are casting that spell on all but two students. Find the two students that are not being cast upon. Then for the answer word the letters on their desk.
and good luck!