Udexia - puzzle #27

Stucked at puzzle #27? You’ve come to the right place!

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Good luck in solving all mysteries of Udexia!

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It’s pretty clear even without the hints that this puzzle is a rebus. However, i can’t figure out what the pictures are supposed to be. I thought maybe “donkey - key” but “don” is not correct.

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You’re on the right track. The first picture represents an imaginary animal, often rainbow. Does that help?

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Hello and welcome @SciviasKnows ,
Try subtracting the second image from the first: what remains is the answer word.

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I know what the first picture is, however the second picture looks like a horse or donkey? Can you help me.

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Hello and welcome @Denyse ,
This is a subtraction puzzle. Try subtracting the second image, a horse,
from the first image,
a unicorn.

The answer word has --4-- letters.

And is the third catagory in puzzle #5.

The answer starts with the letter: —H—

The second letter is [deleted by admin, no clear answer please :-)]

The third letter is [deleted by admin, no clear answer please :-)]

The last letter is [deleted by admin, no clear answer please :-)]

Good luck!

I just see 1 and 2 in the udexia language

Help me

Pls give me the answer what should I do

You need to take a pencil and color according to the numbers

Color 1 or 2

The one you want.