Udexia - puzzle #33

Stucked at puzzle #33? You’ve come to the right place!

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Good luck in solving all mysteries of Udexia!

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This puzzle is a doozy. Being old I have problems squinting, so try this method to aid in squinting:

Use your camers to take several out of focus pictures. Make sure to rotate the grimoire so the answer is right side up. The answer sorta pops out. Kinda cool.

I HATE asking for answers but I’ve looked at this over and over, tried the phone photo trick, and have had some other people try and figure it out too, and yet no go! I’m pretty sure I’ve flipped the book in the correct position, yet I tried it both ways just to be safe and still no go! I’m thinking the white space is what is supposed to create letters.
I think I’m ready for the answer at this point so I can move on with the book

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Hello and welcome @dannyM ,

The swords form the first letter N and it is accurate to say the white spaces form the letters.

Good Luck.

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Now I see it!! Haha. Great. Thank you so much

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I think I have found the first two letters NE but can’t make out the third fourth and five letters is there anyway you could just give me one more letter and tell if the second letter is right thanks

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I also see the first 2 letters as ‘NE’ but cannot make out the last 3 letters. Guess my 72 year old eyes cannot squint out the other letters. Could someone help?

Answer is [6] letters. Last letter [A]