Udexia - puzzle #35

Stucked at puzzle #35? You’ve come to the right place!

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Good luck in solving all mysteries of Udexia!

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Puzzle #35 is an absolute joy.
Article 1
Such is life.
Until another puzzle comes along.
Article 2
Appearances are deceiving.
Believe in solutions.
Article 3
Dare to explore the unknown.
Elbow grease finds the solution.

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I’m having a lot of trouble on this one.

I know I’m supposed to find the letters hidden in each article, as in key 17, then I’m assuming I place those over the key 32 legend to get the word. I’m not sure if I’m finding the wrong letters or what I’m doing wrong

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A hint:

you need to find two letters per article. Does that help?

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I have tried your hint of



and I am still super stuck. Please help

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Hello and Welcome,
Apply what you have learned to the Rules of the Magic Academy found in the Grimoire of Magic, found at the back of the Udexia book.

Several hours on same puzzle and driving me nuts!!!


I have gotten the idea, first letters from first article, 2nd letters from 2nd article and 3rd from 3rd article. If I follow the two letter hint and take them just from the start of each statement I get “afflax” which isn’t right. This is so easy but I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong!!!


your key 34 maybe wrong. What is your key 34? As found in the Rules of the Magic Academy found in the back of the book

Help still stuck dont understand what i need to do :sleepy::sleepy:

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Are u able to help please i am lost on this one

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Hello we are really stuck with this puzzle can u help ?

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Hello and welcome @Puzz ,
Slight delay as I am watching soccer… You are going to make a magisummary for puzzle #35. A magisummary is a single word, with six letters, formed from a clue provided by three articles. Each article provides two letter in sequence to form the magisummary which is the answer word for puzzle#35. Look more closely at the articles for the clue on how to select the letters of the magisummary. The magisummary for the practice is the word from key#32 GOBLIN. So, now use this word and the practice articles to learn how to make a magisummary. With this knowledge do the Exercise, find the articles of key#17, in the back of the book!. Then apply the method gives the answer for key#35.

For more practice find the magisummary from this link:

Good luck

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We can only come upcwith letters that dont make a word . I.e foecus for example this is following thebrules from 'Goblin ’

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Ok from that practice one could u tell me the word then i can work backwards ifnu see what i mean lol
Thank you for all the help by the way . Think ive confused myself

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Nope am really stuck tried with superb can’t see how to find the right letters dont understand :sleepy::sleepy::sleepy:

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Use the Rules in the back. Anyway, Sounds like I am being Trolled, you think.?

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Yea i know that still cant figure it out :sleepy:

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Phew I finally got it… thanks for taking the time to reply with all the clues.
I couldn’t figure out why you asked Dshea129 if key #34 was wrong. Then I realized! Deshea129 answer was oh so close and I too, had put in the wrong answer.

Thanks QuestSparks! With :100: certainty I couldn’t do this puzzle book without you!


I am still veey stuck can u help me ??

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The answer is [deleted by admin, no clear answer please :-)]

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