Udexia - puzzle #5

Stucked at puzzle #5? You’ve come to the right place!

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Good luck in solving all mysteries of Udexia!


Hello - could you please describe the issue you’re having at puzzle #5? Thanks


Help is needed

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Continuing the discussion from Udexia - puzzle #5:

Im a new user and managed to get to puzzle 5, without giving to much away, ive read the hint about eyes, etc know the answer to that, looked at the other number of eyes - got the gap of missing numbers and still very stuck, please help.

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Hello, not sure I understand where you’re stuck. Using the blur spoiler feature, please don’t hesitate to tell us more. Thanks

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Eyes, limbs, horns, wings. Use number codes in grimoire in back of book

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It’s probably the “legs” you’ve got wrong… Think outside the box :upside_down_face:

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Bonjour, comme Claire l’a dit j’ai bien trouvé l’ordre

yeux, membres, cornes, ailes
J’ai le nombre pour chaque creature mais je ne trouve pas la suite.

Si quelqu’un peut me débloquer merci

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2 4 0 0

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He has 2 eyes, 4 limbs (2 arms, 2 legs), 0 horns, 0 wings


This is a puzzle about counting body parts.

I don’t see any solutions while accessing this site on a Macintosh. Hidden text and blur spoilers don’t show up. I’ve tried Safari and Chrome on a Mac. What am I doing wrong?

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Hi, you need to click (or touch) the blurred part to see the spoilers

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Really stuck on this puzzle. Counted body parts, put numbers with symbols but still am not able to decipher.

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Hello and welcome @Jedd ,
Each of the four numbers is the count of some body part. The first number counts the number of eyes. The second number counts the number of limbs. The third and forth number count other body parts. I will leave for you to solve which body part to count.

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Help! I’m stuck on puzzle 5 and cannot figure out what I’m doing wrong. I have used the magicalphabet to match the count of body parts in each corresponding creature. I have entered the numbers every way I know how (with spaces, without spaces, with commas, with periods, etc.) I have even looked up each number on the periodic table of magielements to try to create a word. All to no avail. I’m spinning out and not sure what to try next. Can anyone help give me some direction?

What codes have you tried ?

I’ve tried all of the following codes:

9 27 5 5
9, 27, 5, 5
14 18 8 6
14, 18, 8, 6
14 eyes, 18 limbs, 8 horns, 6 wings

You are looking for the characteristics of the wizard, not the sum of all characteristics

Argggg!:woman_facepalming:t2: Got it, thanks!! :raised_hands:t3:

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